
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Yu, author of Happy – Reloaded to discuss how to find our balance in a life that is constantly on spin in the chaos and challenges of living each day. How can we rebalance our daily life when so much seems to be in total chaos these days? Life is constantly changing which is the first step to recognize because this will help us to relax into the concept that, this too, will pass. We seek to find happiness and want to have things back to normal but if we can find a moment of happiness…

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  Who are we?  What is our life made of?  What have we done in our life? Are we measured by what outward accomplishments we have accumulated and what others believe us to be? Our lives pass so very quickly and rarely do we take time to stop and reflect on who we really are and what we are really made of. At birth, we seem to be put on the fast track of living up to the beliefs and trends of our ancestors or peers. We grow up to become that which we feel comfortable in becoming with the…

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