
How exciting is the word? Have you noticed when someone uses this word that you hang on with baited breath and want to hear what comes next? ‘Story of potentials that exist and to access them by releasing all judgements, definitions, rules, stories and dogma that have plagued your experience which may hinder your growth in love and light in the world’. We were not meant to be angry all the time, to be fighting this or that from words to our body, and we were not meant to cast out those around us that do not abide by our…

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Today, I woke up and instantly heard a message to play the song:  ‘It’s a beautiful morning’ by the Rascals.  Know the song?  Check it out on you tube. Not every day is a great day filled with experiences that are just rolling along with ease.  But there are many days that are great which helps the slower or more difficult ones easier to flow with.  Even in the challenging days, take a second to see if there is even a glimmer of hope or light and cherish that moment. I see life as not a doing thing and see…

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