Finally !!!! the dew point is below 80%, which means we have a temporary moment in time, where we can breathe drier air and not breathe water!
As I am an air sign in astrology, I have felt like I was drowning this year with high humidity. I even used those words many times. I am not a fish nor have I ever been, regardless of the ‘fish’ peeps I have engaged with in the past ????. Life moves on.
Exchange the inside air with the outside air as often as possible.
Just a humans reside in your home, energy forms can take up residence and create a feeling of stuffiness in your space. For energy workers, it is essential to constantly ‘clear your space’ by changing the air, cleansing the material objects and live a minimal life.
Today, breath in the clearest air you can find.
Create that memory and use it often to seek peace.
Open the windows! open the doors!