inspirational thoughts

Thought for the week to consider:  How has life changed for you? Are you looking to go ‘back’ to the way you had things? What would you like to see change for your life going forward? The fork in the road has already altered our lives and if we consider this as a great opportunity for self reflection, might we let go of getting back to anything. Once you open a door of creativity, compassion and kindness, and supporting others; are you willing to say ‘I am only doing this for now. Once things get back to normal I am…

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Do you need a hug, I know I do! This social distancing has made all humans fear the existence of another human being. Have we taken a fear and escalated it to epic proportions to keep us from dying a harsh death or challenging us to consider that something outside of ourselves may harm us fatally? The very systems we put into place to save us at all costs, such as healthcare and religion, are now crumbling at the core. What will happen to us as humans? Will we falter and crumble? Might we take what we see, fix what…

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