Elders: Evaluating their Life One Day at a Time

Time passes quickly and we barely notice when our loved ones are aging and start to need help. We are aging also and just become too busy with life in our prime. What happens when the divide between us is so great that things go unnoticed until there is a crisis?

Dr. Jeanette recently spoke with Phil Regenie on the topic of prevention of elder health issues that decrease the quality of life or take a life.

Listen here: Supporting Seniors prior to a crisis of body and mind – What’s Your Plan?

The stories of life have taught us much but we would like to prevent the dangers before they show up and our regrets just seem to pile up.

How are we aging? With ease and grace or hitting the wall and sitting this one out? Are we starting to wander and just can’t seem to find the keys to the door? Have we forgotten how to turn on the shower and just wait until someone comes to visit to help us?

How are we helping ourselves and those around us who are aging in 2019? The elder population is ever increasing and we are not doing such a good job.

Share your thoughts and reach out if you need help in evaluating an elders situation. Contact Dr. Jeanette on the contact us page of her website.  She will respond within 12 hours.

Don’t go it alone or take too much time to ask for help.  Lives depend on your alertness and awareness.

About Jeanette Gallagher
Dr. Jeanette Gallagher is a 'medical intuitive' & ‘soul doctor’. She helps you find the miracles in life, guides you to self healing methods and offers therapeutic conversations to allow your soul to speak. Dr. Jeanette hosts a radio show "Wellness Radio with Dr. J" and is the author of "Seeking Soul Gems in Your Everyday Life" which is offered free of charge at https://drjeanettegallagher.com/