healing childhood abuse

Dr. Jeanette welcomes Marylee Martin, author of An Unsuspecting Child: Coming to Grips with Covert Childhood Abuse, to share her memoir of healing from a traumatic childhood. How did we grow up and what is the story that we are attached to? How did we come into this world and what is the book of dogma with this ancestral lineage that we seem to have engaged in and intertwined in? We are part of the tapestry of ancestors over eons! What are the stories and experiences of guilt, shame and violence being held inside of you over your lifetime? Are…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Karen Schultz, author of Little Karen and The Egyptian Priestess: How My Higher Self Healed My Childhood, to share her journey through devastating events to be the woman she is today. How do we get over the hurdles, traumas, and sinkholes of life? What if we repress the emotions or deny the experience we had in early childhood? Are you an adult in later life and now feeling like you can bust open to release all your pains and hurts that were secrets of the past? Who is your guide or support system to help you heal…

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