life changes

Life has been changing, have you noticed? In the late 1900’s, (ha-ha, I just love saying that, like it was eons ago and we are living in an altered state somewhere off in the abyss) we never even thought about life, how we existed, what life was about and even if we could alter how our life played out. Now, fast forward to 2020, the younger kids are all about dancing with life experiences, changing up the options available to them and exploring their spiritual and human growth in ways that we never could conceive with our minds or old…

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Are you over the age of 50 and feeling hit with beliefs and fears that you have been holding off or denying about life? Are your deepest darkest secrets keeping your heart at bay? Is the shame and guilt of past choices eating up your gut? Are the pains and fears of the life you have lead conflicted with the life you dream about? Are you living a life well lived or created an illusion story that you take out each time when someone comes around to talk to you? Perhaps we can talk and share all the colors and…

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