soul journey

How exciting is the word? Have you noticed when someone uses this word that you hang on with baited breath and want to hear what comes next? ‘Story of potentials that exist and to access them by releasing all judgements, definitions, rules, stories and dogma that have plagued your experience which may hinder your growth in love and light in the world’ We were not meant to be angry all the time, to be fighting this or that from words to our body, and we were not meant to cast out those around us that do not abide by our…

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Consider: how uncomfortable are you willing to be to create change in not only your world but the world around you? Feeling pushed to give up your habits and beliefs these days? What about your livelihood and businesses? Seeing lives ending way too soon and without warning? Perhaps we have become accustomed to access of all that makes our world flow easily on a daily basis. What happens when access is aborted or denied? Is it time to find the source of that ‘problem’ and get rid of it? Might a door closed, an abrupt ending, be a new start,…

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Thought for the week to consider:  How has life changed for you? Are you looking to go ‘back’ to the way you had things? What would you like to see change for your life going forward? The fork in the road has already altered our lives and if we consider this as a great opportunity for self reflection, might we let go of getting back to anything. Once you open a door of creativity, compassion and kindness, and supporting others; are you willing to say ‘I am only doing this for now. Once things get back to normal I am…

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The world is releasing at this time; can you feel it? The energies are very high, people are sick with a virus, society is turned upside down and the world as we have known it before March 2020 no longer exists. Can we allow that which is changing to have space to evolve? We cannot control our world, we cannot save humans or the earth, and we cannot demand all fall in line. We CAN, do our best, pray and honor life, give thanks for each breath, and serve others to the best of our current ability. This too, is…

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What is the spiritual journey and where is your path going? Do you reach a pinnacle point and finally you have made it? Do you get a badge then? We have heard so many words in the recent past and now it is spirit, soul, vibration, energy and vital force; now it is time to put the words together.  How does one word follow another and create a new way of being? Where do we go after we ‘transform’ and ascend? This is a great question among many in the ‘awakening’ communities and for the number of questions you can…

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