Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adam Prociv, teacher and author of How to Be a Legendary Teacher, to talk about the qualities of teaching children to gain wisdom and knowledge in this world today.
“Everyone can be a teacher; how are you supporting small minds to engage in the world around us?” Dr. Jeanette
Have we shipped our children off to schools for teachers to do the job of getting knowledge into the heads of our kids? Who is teaching our kids how to be better human beings? What happens when the messages clash and what kids are learning conflicts as the core message?
Are we using old ways and information trying to teach New Age kids to exist in today’s rapid paced life?
Has education kept up with the books, technology and knowledge required to move a society forward with jobs and support for young adults?
Listen to the show:
For more information on Adam visit: www.AdamProciv.com
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