
Taking the Pulse on Today’s Energies: How will School 2020 change Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adam Prociv, a teacher from Australia, to talk about the options and challenges when school starts 2020. If a child was bullied in school, will they wish to return to a classroom? If a teacher was fighting hard to help students and social issues were limiting factors, will they return to school? What if online schooling, reduced days and hours supported teachers and kids? What would school look like then? What are we really teaching our kids and can families become more engaged in the learning…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adam Prociv, teacher and author of How to Be a Legendary Teacher, to talk about the qualities of teaching children to gain wisdom and knowledge in this world today. “Everyone can be a teacher; how are you supporting small minds to engage in the world around us?” Dr. Jeanette Have we shipped our children off to schools for teachers to do the job of getting knowledge into the heads of our kids? Who is teaching our kids how to be better human beings? What happens when the messages clash and what kids are learning conflicts as the core…

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What is the journey of your days? We love to get out into nature and put our feet to the ground as we relieve stress and exercise our physical body. Are you engaging with the nature and life around you when you run, walk or jog or are you doing it just to shut out life’s issues, anger and frustration? Running, feet on the ground, grounding with the earth, being able to engage with the earth experience as the human experience, and also dancing with the energies; we are running and dancing at the same time.  We are now free…

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What do we believe now? The year is 2020; what do you believe about the energy or the creator of existence? Religion in the past had a purpose to hold us together in troubled times, give us rules to coexist peacefully and ways to be good people by respecting others. Today, we are having a unique conversation about creating a dialogue with God as our spiritual being that guides us. Many have run far and wide to get away from the concept of religion, God, and all that it entails. If we are running away from the past dogma, what…

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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life.  Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can’t wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette’s book ‘Trust: Photo Meditations‘ is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us….

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