life challenges

Dr. Jeanette asked these questions on her recent radio show, Wellness Radio with Dr. Jeanette, and here is a clip from that show: Consider ‘normal’ is the concept of life where you feel comfortable, safe and secure. Perhaps we are at a door where we have stepped into the unknown and it is the only way to go, going forward. Can we allow ourselves to let go of the past and create a new future? Join Dr. Jeanette as she shares on radio, blog postings and social media for the latest updates and thought provoking concepts of creating a new…

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Dear Friends: At this time of seemingly chaos or disruption in our every day lives, our sense of safety and security is shaken as well as our health and beliefs. How do we center ourselves when calm, peace and serenity seem to have challenged our faith, hope and trust? Dr. Erica Elliott, my recent radio guest has shared with us the poem of Walking In Beauty a Navajo poem to restore harmony in the cosmos. I hope when you listen to her words and the Navajo language, you may start to connect with the inner peace you have inside and…

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Copyright 2010 Out of the Box Healthcare All Rights Reserved Notice anything in this picture? We did. We thought perhaps the bird just had it’s leg up or it was turned. So we decided to check our other five photos of the same birds. We discovered that the same two birds had only one leg. Yet, if you were not looking for it, you would not have noticed it. So, if you are in a group of people, do you know all there is to know about them? Are they standing on one foot?   If you walk down your…

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In an area of the country where the majority of the population is unfit, unhealthy and uninsured, you wonder. What are they thinking? Well, they are not thinking, it is just that! The area is well known for its abundant and diverse food choices, it’s laid back attitude and lifestyle and its cultural influences. Right, let’s translate that: lots of food, cooked the way they want, doing what they want, when they want, and how they want, and old habits do not get changed. Try changing that attitude!! I recently had a chance to notice: if given the choice of…

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If things are not working out well around you and you have life challenges, either economically or family based; the holidays can put a great deal of stress on you to try and create life long memories. If your holidays are not happy and things in your family are not working at this time like you would wish or they used to be, take heart.  The span you have to get through is only 24 to 48 hours.  You can do it!!! Others are counting on you to do it, so, suck it up and take a few tips listed…

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Are you over the age of 50 and feeling hit with beliefs and fears that you have been holding off or denying about life? Are your deepest darkest secrets keeping your heart at bay? Is the shame and guilt of past choices eating up your gut? Are the pains and fears of the life you have lead conflicted with the life you dream about? Are you living a life well lived or created an illusion story that you take out each time when someone comes around to talk to you? Perhaps we can talk and share all the colors and…

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Part 2: Medical devices that can harm children or those who are not alert as to their danger. Health devices and supplies that can harm you and your children; know the items. Elders have many health devices and supplies in their home and think nothing of keeping them at arm’s length for convenience. Open bottles, medications, syringes and trailing hoses are not a danger to them or rather; they just ignore the issue as they are the only ones in their home. If you are visiting; this is a red flag and you must evaluate the home prior to bringing…

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Part 1 Reading between the lines: Become an expert! Going on vacation for the holidays and bringing your kids along is a great time for family bonding.  Grandparents may be living farther away these days and only an occasional visit may be in the cards.  While this may seem like a welcome relief to overworked and tired parents to have more adults in the house to amuse the kids, it may also carry some potential risks you may never have dreamed of.  Don’t let up on the parenting while visiting elders but rather be higher on alert until you can…

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When you visit the elders in your family, it is as if a movie is playing out and the same old tape just keeps playing regardless of the present situation. Are you blinded by the past and cannot see the present issues the elders may be having? Do you visit once a year, every several years, or just when there is a crisis? How are your elders navigating their daily lives? Regardless of the age of elders, the façade of living a serene life and the illusion of reality that may play out during the holidays; there are a few…

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Time passes quickly and we barely notice when our loved ones are aging and start to need help. We are aging also and just become too busy with life in our prime. What happens when the divide between us is so great that things go unnoticed until there is a crisis? Dr. Jeanette recently spoke with Phil Regenie on the topic of prevention of elder health issues that decrease the quality of life or take a life. Listen here: Supporting Seniors prior to a crisis of body and mind – What’s Your Plan? The stories of life have taught us…

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