spiritual experiences

“When you have a reading You may hear snippets of something that does not seem to fit No worries They may be reading that part of you that you are not aware of yet Or that part of you in another space and time Or perhaps, they may be reading you through a filter Listen, let the energy move you, and let go of the story and validation behind it All is just a blink of an eye to never repeat again Everything is story of the cosmic waves and how we dance with them A reading may open your…

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When emotions, pain, and challenges seem to be at every turn:You are not brokenYou are stuck in the doorYou are not downYou are taking a breathYou are not defeatedIt was the wrong roadYou are not destroyedThe story line ended.Be guided to find conversation and support for the time you are in. Reach out, ask for a few minutes of time. Check the website for a special on sessions until August 1. Find a local chapter that supports you with meetings or resources. We were meant to explore these rocks in life but perhaps asking for support is also part of…

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The process of finding ‘the root cause’ does not lead to perfection, amelioration, anti this or that, or lack of pain and suffering. The process is taking a journey through the forest with a sickle to clear the path or flying a drone over land mines ahead to protect yourself. But what is the source of your feelings? Can they be remedied and extinguished? Is it possible to fix the physical being and expect a smooth ride? What if you said: I feel sad I feel scared I feel pain I feel ,,,,,,,,,, And stopped right there without a reason,…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Louis Conte, author of The Book of Sasquatch, to discuss how we can step into another character to explore our being in this world but not of it. The novel takes us through the journey to the spirit, the soul, and the other side of the veil, from the inside story, the essence, and see what the world is made of. Can you step into an altered universe and see the world for what it is? The humans, the child with autism, the shaman, and Sasquatch, take us on their each individual journey through the mind, body,…

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How can I dance. My wings are soiled. On a body of great weight My thoughts have taken the wrong exit. On tracks that are overgrown and broken What is the healing journey about?

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What if: Instead of holding the belief that ‘you don’t see it’ and perhaps consider ‘tell me more’, might we precipitate change as an evolution rather than a concept of who is right or wrong?

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Below is what I have been experiencing over the last few months. It is long, it is a story, and it may help you find words that perhaps you have been also feeling. At this time in our life, we are opening up to a spiritual journey that is taking our physical form along for the rip roaring ride; it has been difficult many times. How have you been doing these past few months? When I was in a book store last November and passed the table with date books for this year, I set my hand on top the…

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What is the normal we wish to return to? How do we define normal? Dr. Jeanette asked these questions on her recent radio show, Wellness Radio with Dr. Jeanette,  below is a clip from that show: Consider ‘normal’ is the concept of life where you feel comfortable, safe and secure. Perhaps we are at a door where we have stepped into the unknown and it is the only way to go, going forward. Can we allow ourselves to let go of the past and create a new future? We are all going through the door, how you perceive the moment…

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