Wellness Radio

by Ariane de Bonvoisin I have a son called Everest, who has proudly just turned 5. (And started Kindergarten he would add!) Nothing however makes him more happy, excited and I guess proud of his blossoming relationship with the elders he sees in his New York city neighborhood. It all started one day when he was walking home from his martial arts class, still in uniform, and noticed an old man with a walker, walking I might add, very slowly. Everest said “Hi”. The man didn’t hear or notice this tiny human, so Everest tried again, this time a little…

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By LouAnne Ludwig One way of telling your story when you are not quite ready for everyone to know all your details is to utilize a fable or parable such as I did. The characters in my book, A Journey Within, allowed me to tell a simplified version of my own learning process of certain spiritual techniques. I wanted to keep what was being shown, as streamlined as possible and this was the perfect venue for that. The introduction lets the reader know the book is about me and my story but told in a manner that utilized other characters…

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As we are winding the year down, it is time to relax in the comfort of the warmth of family and friends. Time to take things a little slower, warm our bodies as they prepare to rest, and reflect on our place in this grand universe; are you ready to look back? My past year has been a great expansion of the spiritual path and my physical being has taken hit after hit. You would think I would have a handle on things and my life is just flying with wings; well, not really. I too, have life challenges, hardships,…

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By Sindy Warren The practice of yoga is so much more than physical movement and exercise.  In fact, the physical part of yoga is merely one-eighth of this transformative practice.  As I explain in my new book Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine, yoga is an eight-limbed path aimed at helping us move closer to our true selves, our inner beings.  One of the most significant, albeit least known parts of the practice is captured by the word “stillness.”  The journey of yoga involves a slowing down; a settling and stilling whereby we move from…

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By Summer Bacon, Trance Medium for the spirit Dr. Peebles What is a trance medium? It is someone who, by going into deep trance, is willing and vulnerable enough to surrender to another spirit control of the body. Yes, it is a kind of possession, but rather than being possessed by something fearful, it is about allowing oneself to be possessed by the love of God. It takes deep faith and trust in God, and a great passion to know God’s love more intimately. A trance medium must be willing to release the blocks of fear, expectations, and a need…

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by Dr. Joseph Christiano ND Just what are stem cells and what do they do for you and me? Stem cells are our body’s natural repair crew for our cells. When cells and or tissues in our body get damaged through injuries, sickness, diseases, environmental pollutants the stem cells jump into action and repair those damaged tissues and cells. This is basically how the body heals itself. Over time stem cells begin losing their repairing ability. That’s when you and I experience nagging or chronic conditions. When this occurs, by simply taking adult stem cell activators daily, one can rejuvenate…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Daniel the Healer to engage in a lively conversation on energy, healing, resistance and blockages. Many are conscious about the upgrading of our energy levels and how that appears on a day to day basis. What are you going through and how are you just saying ‘I am so done with this, nothing makes sense’ on a regular basis these days? Listen to the show here. To learn more about Daniel visit: https://danielthehealer.com  

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Dr Jeffery Fidel MD Dr. Jeanette Gallagher, ND welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Fidel, MD, to discuss the collection of diagnosis labels for mental health and how to live your life free of them.  Dr. Fidel, author of “I”; unnameable will be sharing his experience with bipolar disorder and his quest to come out of the medicated life.  He will be sharing what is available to you ‘on the other side’ of medications and how you can claim back your life to find inner peace. A life of struggle and suffering is not necessary when you can connect with your heart, soul and spirit. …

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