Dr. Jeanette welcomes Karen Frazier, author of The Ultimate Guide to Psychic Abilities, to share how to open up psychic abilities if you are ready become aware. Listen to the show: Senses, knowing, abilities, intuition, gifts, psychic abilities; what are we opening up to, are we sensing different things, are we finally recognizing energy healing and our bodies are energy organisms? What is the label you are starting to explore that defines what you are feeling these days? The Clairs, astral travel, multidimensional engagement, past life knowing, and navigating your world today; how do you engage with it, how do…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Mark E. Scott, author of Drunk Log: A Novel Path to Suicide, to explore the character in his novel that uses alcohol to drive what he experiences in his life. Listen to the show: Are you screaming to be saved, wishing someone could reach inside and pull out your pain, or is your regrets suitcase bursting at the seams? Perhaps alcohol is the driver of your life; it takes you to places you have never been before, its smell is enticing to bring you further into a stupor, and it may also take you to walk the…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ann Beckham Gainey, author of The God Chair: One Thousand Days of Pain with Purpose, to share how she found a deeper connection with God in her everyday life. Listen to the show: Are you seeking a miracle, healing, or answer to your prayers and feel like no one is listening to you? What is our inner guidance, how do we tune in, how do we pay attention and where does that sense of ‘hearing or knowing God’ come from? Sometimes we ask what is the source; God, spirit, our minds, or just chatter in the brain….
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Tosin King James, author of Soul-Fullness, A 21-Day Do-It-Yourself Program for Spiritual Healing, Prophecy, Dream Study, Inner Guidance, and Total Mastery, to share the signs of our spiritual evolution, one moment in this time. Listen to the show: The source of everything is the unit of spirit; the soul. How are you navigating your days and are you connecting your heart and spirit to source energy? We are now navigating the bridge between human and soul; how are we evolving? What are the barriers to our soul expansion and how can we see our part in the…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ned Burwell, author of Be Love: A Book About Awakening, to share his spiritual journey to love. Listen to the show: Our experiences, our stories, our scars and our joys are all important to share and hold as reverent in the soul journey. What do you hold deep in your heart that wishes to be touched and held? Can you let go of the struggles and pain to make room for the spirit that wishes to dance and love? What is love? Are we love already? Are we trying to find ‘it’, in someone else, something, or…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes researcher and humanitarian Tom Paladino to share his work with Scalar Light. What is scalar light and how can it help you heal in body, mind and spirit? We talk about energy frequencies, electromagnetic energy, cosmic energy and the vital life force of which are all spinning at full force right now in our existence. What energy forms are not great for health and which ones can we harness to help bring balance directly to the cells of our body? What is the zero point and why is it important to engage in its frequency at this…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Despo Pishiri from Dubai, to share her new book From Darkness To Light: Discover The Secret Of Who You Really Are, And Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit. Today, we will be talking about how we are evolving, hitting walls in our human experience, and creating a whole new existence that has never been seen before in our human knowing. What is our secret journey from darkness to light, human to soul, to finding the spirit within, the right to the wrong, the truth and the beliefs all about? How are you navigating the bigger questions of…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Kristine Keck, to share and inspire children and elders about the moon! Kristine has authored The Moon Thief, which is a New Age Children’s Book, which is for all ages to see and explore the world with wonderment. Have you ever looked up and noticed the moon is ever changing in shape, position, and brightness? Why does it change so much and how can we explore the moon in the sky? Can an elder be inspired with the same story they read to a child? What if we shared children’s books with elders, read to them, and…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Grace Francis to share her life story from childhood to elder, that was spattered with violence, abuse, shame, guilt, pain, and addiction. She has authored her life story in her new book, The Many Faces of a Bully, Abuse, and Addiction: Before and After the Internet We Are Created for Healing and Restoration. Is now the time to open the box of secrets of traumas and experiences that took away a childhood, innocence, dreams, safety, and survival? Is now the time to air them and heal from all the damage that was done decades ago? Why is…
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Alan Davey as we begin a new Lenten season and the idea of ‘what is God’ is being discussed in many households after such loss and destruction of the last several years. Alan will be sharing his new book Walking the Line: Embracing the Imperatives of Jesus which explores contemporary issues of our day. God is inviting us to live in a house of love, not fear, but how do we get there from here? If we have never know God or love, how can we recognize it in the first place when it comes knocking? Have…