Getting help for your pain

“When you have a reading You may hear snippets of something that does not seem to fit No worries They may be reading that part of you that you are not aware of yet Or that part of you in another space and time Or perhaps, they may be reading you through a filter Listen, let the energy move you, and let go of the story and validation behind it All is just a blink of an eye to never repeat again Everything is story of the cosmic waves and how we dance with them A reading may open your…

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Below is what I have been experiencing over the last few months. It is long, it is a story, and it may help you find words that perhaps you have been also feeling. At this time in our life, we are opening up to a spiritual journey that is taking our physical form along for the rip roaring ride; it has been difficult many times. How have you been doing these past few months? When I was in a book store last November and passed the table with date books for this year, I set my hand on top the…

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Multidimensional living as a cosmic being! Welcome to 2020! This is the time of life we have all been waiting for, been working to see it at its best and hoped we could affect change in the world around us. How are you feeling; excited, hopeful, healed and ready to go, challenged, or confused? Fantastic! I am so glad you found your way here! Welcome!!! What would you like to see for your life going forward? Are you noticing things are different, not fitting into what you used to do, hitting walls consistently, stuck in a rut that you just…

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Click, now in cuffs and straps and drugs and shots Now drugged out and locked up How do you come back from here, the prison and illusion of the life you are leading?  How did you get there from you? Why can no one fix pain where does it come from how did I/we get there is it an illusion, a game, a sick joke, a black hole, a pain in the ass, or a life taker. Now classified as risk to self, multiple drugs, multiple diagnoses, out of touch with life, slippery slope. What can you do, how can…

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Pt 2 of a 3 part article on Pain New Dr. Visit: Doc I have pain, here are all my medical records, can you help me. Well, I am sure going to try. Yeah, my last Dr. couldn’t find anything but I am in pain. Well let’s see, let’s do more test.s Ok doc, you must know more if you can do something else, can I get meds to hold me through the last ones worked good for a day or so, can you give me more or stronger. Well, ok, but I want to see what is wrong. Yes…

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This is Part 1 of a 3 part article about Pain We all have pain, some debilitating and some just a pain in the ass.  We want to get out of pain, isn’t that the way we are supposed to operate? Who wants to be in pain, no one? We have a job to do, places to be, things that have to get done, right? Top me off you say to the drink, pop me one you say to the pill, push me further you say to the exercise, hold me closer you say to the peep, and shut up…

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