
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Kathryn Silverton, an Astrological Counselor to discuss our life created in this time and space we were born into.  Kathryn will be sharing how our energetic imprints based on birth charts, the sun, the moon and the stars can guide us softly through life with a gentle push towards the qualities we may not have developed or defined.  Sometimes we may feel like we are doing the work we were meant to be but it can be something that others wished for you and not at all what your heart wants.  Still others may feel like there…

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Dr. Jeanette answers several questions that will have you shaking your head.  Questions you have never thought of and answers that may truly head off an issue with your health.  Take the time to ask yourself if you have these steps in place in caring for your family and loved ones. How to Get the Healthcare You Deserve: 10 Things your doctor may not have told you is a gift, download here.  

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Dr Jeffery Fidel MD Dr. Jeanette Gallagher, ND welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Fidel, MD, to discuss the collection of diagnosis labels for mental health and how to live your life free of them.  Dr. Fidel, author of “I”; unnameable will be sharing his experience with bipolar disorder and his quest to come out of the medicated life.  He will be sharing what is available to you ‘on the other side’ of medications and how you can claim back your life to find inner peace. A life of struggle and suffering is not necessary when you can connect with your heart, soul and spirit. …

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Dr. Jeanette has written hundreds of thousands of pages in the last several years and just recently she has been working to put them into books and articles.  Some books are published on Amazon and others are gifts that you can download right now.  Enjoy!   Trust: Photo Meditations on Amazon. This book is to help you center your thoughts each day if you have anxiety, grief, experiencing life challenges and just seem to have lost the path to living a great life.  Dr. Jeanette shares how to let go of things that are truly not important and create a new…

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Dr. Jeanette will be posting a few times a week on timely topics of wellness, spirituality and living life in supercharged energies these days.  She will also be sharing her radio shows, featured guests, specials on books and products, along with photos to inspire. There will be thirty entries available to scan through and find what interests you as the range of topics are expansive, just the way Dr. Jeanette thinks and shares in her life. If you would like to have newsletter delivered to your email once a month, click here to submit your email. Enjoy!

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Holiday vacation: You open the door to stay at a family member’s home and it doesn’t feel right, now what? You talk with your family and just can’t wait to have the Norman Rockwell kind of holiday with your kids.  Either you are replaying a past memory or trying to create a memory of something you dreamed about and never had.  This should be a piece of cake and so much fun for everyone, right?  Ah, don’t rain on my parade you say?  Who?  Not me! You open the door to where you are staying and all of a sudden…

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Today, I woke up and instantly heard a message to play the song:  ‘It’s a beautiful morning’ by the Rascals.  Know the song?  Check it out on you tube. Not every day is a great day filled with experiences that are just rolling along with ease.  But there are many days that are great which helps the slower or more difficult ones easier to flow with.  Even in the challenging days, take a second to see if there is even a glimmer of hope or light and cherish that moment. I see life as not a doing thing and see…

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Check out this photo.  What do you see?  What is hidden?  Scroll to the bottom for the answer. What does it mean ‘to be made whole again’? In the face of disease, destruction, divorce or death can you ever be made whole again?  Many people say these life experiences change them forever; they take away all that is loved and important and also the concept of breaking your heart or spirit.  Can you be broken?  Can you be whole again? In the face of disease, we are feeling not well and seek help from a healthcare professional to ‘fix us…

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