
Pt 2 of a 3 part article on Pain New Dr. Visit: Doc I have pain, here are all my medical records, can you help me. Well, I am sure going to try. Yeah, my last Dr. couldn’t find anything but I am in pain. Well let’s see, let’s do more test.s Ok doc, you must know more if you can do something else, can I get meds to hold me through the last ones worked good for a day or so, can you give me more or stronger. Well, ok, but I want to see what is wrong. Yes…

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This is Part 1 of a 3 part article about Pain We all have pain, some debilitating and some just a pain in the ass.  We want to get out of pain, isn’t that the way we are supposed to operate? Who wants to be in pain, no one? We have a job to do, places to be, things that have to get done, right? Top me off you say to the drink, pop me one you say to the pill, push me further you say to the exercise, hold me closer you say to the peep, and shut up…

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A nanny for your children?  Is this for the rich, the privileged, the overworked parents or the family that travels for business?  This may be true in many instances but Nannies are increasingly being used by everyone who needs not only babysitting but home but also child rearing support;  Nannies4Hire to the rescue. Do you know what to ask a Nanny before you hire her?  Do you know what you are expecting her to do for you and have that outlined?  Do you have her pay scale, benefits and job description clear as a bell in your head and on…

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Children and adults have a large potential to access every brain cell available and the book ‘Unlocking the Einstein Inside‘ co author  Tanya Mitchell of LearningRx has the steps to achieve this without drugs.  Do you have a child who is a supreme challenge to learn, comprehend, retain information or even focus for more than a minute?  LearningRx is for you.  As an adult, if you are seeing a decline in cognitive function, the tips and processes can help you retain function to the best it can be. My guest on my radio show, Tanya Mitchell, co author of ‘Unlocking…

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Therapeutic humor; ‘oh please don’t take away my pain and suffering, I am completely comfortable with it’, really?  Are the ties of grief and despair at times so much that you are no longer living but existing?  When exactly was the last time you smiled?  I get it, life just sucks in all areas and you just simply do NOT want to hear the saying ‘a smile is just a frown turned upside down’ again, right? What if I suggested that; a smile, a laugh, a tickle, a whimsical feeling, will make all the difference in the world, would you…

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Are you feeling the need to find healing and are desperate to find someone who can help you?  Is it the magic prescription you bring home, cling to the bottle and set your alarm to make sure you follow the instructions to a tee?  Is it the doctor who is ‘your savior’ as he finds the diagnosis of your current list of symptoms?  Is it the surgeon who says they ‘got it all’ and you feel a sense of relief?  How about the alternative healthcare provider who suggests a different path to travel than you are used to and find…

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Have you noticed your life is so different that it was just a few years ago?  Are you still doing things the way you used to do them or have circumstances required you to look deeper at what rules your world? Listen to an archived show in which I discussed this concept: Moment To Moment Living with Dr. Jeanette Gallagher   Yesterday, I had a person tell me they were ‘swamped’ and could not take five minutes a day for seven days to read something that might change the way they think, add inspiration to your challenged day or just suggest…

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Ready to Get Started? “I need to make changes but I don’t know where to start, help!” Click here to send a request for date and time to schedule a session.  All sessions are telephone consultations.  No internet services are available.  No taping of the session by either party.  No group sessions are available. Click here to pay for the session after you have secured a date and time. Dr. Jeanette is helping others to learn how to implement the movement to bring about the change you wish to see in your life.  So many books, gurus, providers and peer…

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Dr. Jeanette can so understand when you have something going on in your life and others just do not want to hear it, do not understand it, want to fix it for you or just try to push you away.  It hurts!  It does not have to! She has had so many life experiences that there is nothing she is not willing to explore with you.  Her past five decades have touched on abuse, violence, addictions, loss, grief, sadness, pain, and natural disasters; to name a few.  Be assured; no matter what you discuss with Dr. Jeanette stays right there…

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Wellness of Body, Mind and Soul Guidance Services are available. As we seem to be having issues in life and just cannot seem to get a grip on what is really the source of all that is keeping you off kilter, how do you find balance?  Sometimes our physical health is spinning out of control and our thoughts seem to be in left field all while trying to live life each day with a full plate.  How long can we keep up this pace?  Might you have a sense that the world is evolving rapidly each day and your place…

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