
“When you have a reading You may hear snippets of something that does not seem to fit No worries They may be reading that part of you that you are not aware of yet Or that part of you in another space and time Or perhaps, they may be reading you through a filter Listen, let the energy move you, and let go of the story and validation behind it All is just a blink of an eye to never repeat again Everything is story of the cosmic waves and how we dance with them A reading may open your…

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The process of finding ‘the root cause’ does not lead to perfection, amelioration, anti this or that, or lack of pain and suffering. The process is taking a journey through the forest with a sickle to clear the path or flying a drone over land mines ahead to protect yourself. But what is the source of your feelings? Can they be remedied and extinguished? Is it possible to fix the physical being and expect a smooth ride? What if you said: I feel sad I feel scared I feel pain I feel ,,,,,,,,,, And stopped right there without a reason,…

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Our words need an overhaul. A church posted asking for donations of food ‘for the needy’. I thought we were all one family and welcoming all to the table of nourishment. Why not ask seeking nourishment support for our families and friends at this time.

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Patricia Love, author of Seen and [UN]Heard, to explore the choices, path and traumas of our life that impacts our every breath. What is our voice and can we allow it to bellow with all our emotions? How are we looking back at our life; romanticizing the view, finding faults, living with regrets or shame and guilt? How can we heal our soul and human essence? The human essence is what is engaging in this experience and does it feel good to my heart and my senses? Am I part of life’s story? We can look at…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes David Wadell for part two of this discussion on religion, God, Spiritual journey and what is the intention in soul for something greater than self. David’s new book is Worship Wars: The Kings lead the battle to spirit and truth. Are you stuck going to one church and feel that you are vested in a dogma that fits for you? What happens when another person has different views, a different church or a different dogma; do you hate, repel, stay away from, argue with or separate yourself from them? Are your truths the only truth? Is it now…

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Consider how we can progress after 2020, might this be a better evolved world? Because right now might you notice a lot of condemning the past with the eyes of the present. Does this really serve humanity? How do we evolve if we cannot release the past, surrender to the present and create anew? If not now, then when?

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Michele Baker author, author of All We Need Is Love: In Service to the Light Book One, to share how humans are evolving as the world is changing at warp speed around us. Perhaps these past few months, we have been asked to stop and wait for the world to change. Perhaps we were stopped so we could BE the change? What is the Light? How have you been evolving the past few months or years? Have you even taken a moment in time to recognize it? Where are you on your Soul Journey? There are no…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lisa Erickson, energy worker and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power and Finding Overall Wellness to discuss how healing begins. Almost all women have experienced some aspect of trauma in their lifetime and learning to heal your deep inner core source wounds can take decades. “Now is the time to step into your power”, how many times have you heard that? But how do you get started? Awareness of the current moment in time, feel the emotions and sensations of energy in your body, and open yourself up to…

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Below is what I have been experiencing over the last few months. It is long, it is a story, and it may help you find words that perhaps you have been also feeling. At this time in our life, we are opening up to a spiritual journey that is taking our physical form along for the rip roaring ride; it has been difficult many times. How have you been doing these past few months? When I was in a book store last November and passed the table with date books for this year, I set my hand on top the…

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