
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Paula Mestayer, author of The Dark Night of the Soul; NAD+ The Light of Hope, to discuss how addictions are rising and how can we look at the presentation with different eyes. What is an addiction? How did you get here? What are you seeking? How far off the edge are you willing to go? Addiction; the ups and downs and the holes in the road. Why are there so many perils in life and why is life so hard? Have we amped up the potency of our drink and drugs to get the highest possible relief and…

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I hesitate every year about bringing this to light and sharing this story, but it must be told because the label of ‘healthy’ is being misconstrued so much it almost has its own zip code! Tip: if you are going to a local farmer’s market, be sure to drive past the farm and see what it looks like if you can.  If you are going to a farmer’s market in a city you are visiting or just randomly go to this location, see if there is an information desk to get a printout of the farms and where they are…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dorothy Rice, author of Gray Is the New Black: A Memoir of Self Acceptance, to share her decades of life experiences through challenges, adventure and regrets. How has your life played out over the last four or five decades? Are you now challenged to shed your old beliefs, let go of shame and guilt and toss the secrets box for good? What happens when the only identity you have known for your whole life starts to split at the seams? Ready to shed guilt, shame and feelings of less than? It can be done, regardless of your current…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes David Wadell for part two of this discussion on religion, God, Spiritual journey and what is the intention in soul for something greater than self. David’s new book is Worship Wars: The Kings lead the battle to spirit and truth. Are you stuck going to one church and feel that you are vested in a dogma that fits for you? What happens when another person has different views, a different church or a different dogma; do you hate, repel, stay away from, argue with or separate yourself from them? Are your truths the only truth? Is it now…

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When the clouds create images that dance with our memories, can we join them in our hearts? Today’s cloud is my grandmother. Smelling smoke this morning so grandfather must be here too! Can you see the woman on the right?

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What if: Instead of holding the belief that ‘you don’t see it’ and perhaps consider ‘tell me more’, might we precipitate change as an evolution rather than a concept of who is right or wrong?

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When energy blocks up and you feel increased physical pain, what is your option to help energy to move again and reduce pressure from pain? Pills, massage, Drs, sleep, ?? Last night at 2am, my choice was acupuncture! Have you ever tried it?

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Consider how we can progress after 2020, might this be a better evolved world? Because right now might you notice a lot of condemning the past with the eyes of the present. Does this really serve humanity? How do we evolve if we cannot release the past, surrender to the present and create anew? If not now, then when?

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