
Consider how we can progress after 2020, might this be a better evolved world? Because right now might you notice a lot of condemning the past with the eyes of the present. Does this really serve humanity? How do we evolve if we cannot release the past, surrender to the present and create anew? If not now, then when?

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Michele Baker author, author of All We Need Is Love: In Service to the Light Book One, to share how humans are evolving as the world is changing at warp speed around us. Perhaps these past few months, we have been asked to stop and wait for the world to change. Perhaps we were stopped so we could BE the change? What is the Light? How have you been evolving the past few months or years? Have you even taken a moment in time to recognize it? Where are you on your Soul Journey? There are no…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jane Makovicka, author of With Every End There Is A New Beginning, to share how life experiences can hide from our thoughts and deny the healing in this life we are seeking. Time to express our true feelings on paper and see with our eyes the path we are on. Has your life been so harsh and painful that the sooner you forget it the better? Are you storing up your emotions of grief and anger because you would not want anyone to see them? How hard are you pushing things down inside of you because you…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lisa Erickson, energy worker and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power and Finding Overall Wellness to discuss how healing begins. Almost all women have experienced some aspect of trauma in their lifetime and learning to heal your deep inner core source wounds can take decades. “Now is the time to step into your power”, how many times have you heard that? But how do you get started? Awareness of the current moment in time, feel the emotions and sensations of energy in your body, and open yourself up to…

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Below is what I have been experiencing over the last few months. It is long, it is a story, and it may help you find words that perhaps you have been also feeling. At this time in our life, we are opening up to a spiritual journey that is taking our physical form along for the rip roaring ride; it has been difficult many times. How have you been doing these past few months? When I was in a book store last November and passed the table with date books for this year, I set my hand on top the…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jacqueline Malcolm-Peck to talk about her mother’s writings authored in A Story of Love by Melissa Malcolm-Peck. Melissa had many heart attacks and kept living her life, one beat at a time to teach her family unconditional love to her last breath. Melissa had many heart events that were misdiagnosed, life threatening and a miracle by all standards but she kept taking one more breathe for as long as possible. She had a mission: to teach her family about unconditional love and she was determined to fulfill that mission at all costs. Can you find love in…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lucie LeBlanc, author of Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children: A parental guide to unlocking your child’s inner strength to full self-expression to discuss how children will change the world by touching all generations. Can the children help us evolve by their existence and energy to change generation going forward? Do we need to engrain history and the past stories on kids to have their ‘know’ about life going forward? Perhaps we have it backwards! Maybe we can learn from kids and see the world from their eyes instead of the heavy filters that decades of hardship and…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Yu, author of Happy – Reloaded to discuss how to find our balance in a life that is constantly on spin in the chaos and challenges of living each day. How can we rebalance our daily life when so much seems to be in total chaos these days? Life is constantly changing which is the first step to recognize because this will help us to relax into the concept that, this too, will pass. We seek to find happiness and want to have things back to normal but if we can find a moment of happiness…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Marni Foderaro, author of God Came To My Garage Sale, to share a story of the keys of life that God sends if we are willing to see. What are the messages he is sending? The story is a spiritual fiction work that takes us on a journey of every item in a garage sale; how the stories that are imprinted in them, bring us to explore the deepest of our hearts and soul. The characters that visit the Garage Sale are messengers with important God keys that can allow us to see things differently in…

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Dr. Jeanette and co host Sherry Hopson will be sharing how life events rising are bringing up past energies to be cleared. What we do next is completely and fully within our power; how will we rise? Can we change history? Can we change our own lives? Can we find a way to be better human beings? Yes! Did we forget the power we have within? When did we give our power away? If we feel a victim of the world around us, if we feel pushed to demand things be under certain control; what is the purpose of our…

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