
Are you a paredolia expert? Can you ‘see things within’? The other night I experienced walking some souls home and in the morning, the soul appeared in the clouds. A true sense of honor and gratitude for the process. Can you see to the left of the photo, a being, with two legs, arm, and face? Allow your creative mind to explore a possibility. As I wander this life, I see all within as it presents.

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In the past decade, I would always post pictures of the clouds and the pictures they would reflect. I haven’t been posting for quite awhile. Life challenges take over and our world is changing so fast, I can hardly keep up. Today, it was a pleasant day, cool temperature, and dry air. I had grown weary of intense inferno heat and high humidity where the weight of the air was oppressive. As I hope for more days such as today, I can only enjoy today, as tomorrow is another story. Heat and humidity to return. So here is a profound…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Patrick Neustatter, author of Managing Your Doctor; The Smart Patient’s Guide to Getting Effective, Affordable Healthcare, to explore the patient’s experience in healthcare. Part 1 was published August 10, 2021 and this is part 2. Who is the gatekeeper of our health? How are expansive care systems now taking over the delivery of health services and creating a business of templates and drop downs? How can a patient be heard? What is the process of supporting care to a patient in all aspects of disease and end of life? You are the writer of your own…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Patrick Neustatter, author of Managing Your Doctor; The Smart Patient’s Guide to Getting Effective, Affordable Healthcare, to explore the patient’s experience in healthcare. How did healthcare transform over decades and we barely blinked an eye at the consequences? What did we let slip through the cracks and have now a tumbling down house of cards called healthcare? What will it take to save the system of patient care, protect the doctors and services they provide, and continue to support healing the body with all known techniques of the day? It has gotten so complex to take…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Forrest Rivers, author of Covid-19 and Humanity’s Spiritual Awakening, to explore the events of 2020. What is humanity going through at this time and how can we step back and see the bigger picture? Has life gone off the rails and there is no way to get back on the highway of normal? What are we going to do now? Are the survival mechanisms and powers that be which we have given our power to, can they save us at all costs or perhaps they do not have the capability to do that at all? Fact, truth,…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Noel Taylor, author of Spiritual and Broke, to explore how to still support yourself if you are doing spiritual work. Is it possible? Are you trying to make changes in your life, stepping out and wanting to engage in something different, trying to follow your passion or find a new job; how can you support yourself? Isn’t spiritual work supposed to be a giving of the heart and not monetary? How can you put value on the awakened process of being human? Money conjures up all kinds of triggers in our thoughts. The old beliefs, hurts,…

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Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lee McCormick, author of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, to explore the heart energy in all its aspects of giving life. The heart that beats in your chest, the one that feels its always breaking, the one that you need to make whole, the heart that keeps you in this existence; does it have a mind of its own, is it repeating history, creating new timelines, reaching out and seeking to bloom? What is the heart seeking? Who are we and what are we doing here? What keeps us navigating through emotions, feelings, heart strings and life experiences?…

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